Research Work & Publications

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Explore a comprehensive collection of my academic and intellectual endeavors, including groundbreaking research, collaborative publications, public opinion articles, influential books, and innovative patents.
Articles Published And Presented In Conferences
Here, you’ll find my peer-reviewed articles published in top journals. Each one reflects my dedication to research and explores topics like AI, law, ethics, and governance.
Joint Publications
This section features my collaborative work with researchers and experts worldwide. Together, we tackle global challenges through interdisciplinary and cross-cultural efforts.
General Audience Articles
This section features my General audience articles which are written to share ideas and spark conversations about societal challenges and technology in a way everyone can understand.
Books Published
This section features my authored books and monographs, providing in-depth analysis and exploration of critical issues in technology, law, and ethics.
Highlighting patents that demonstrate a dedication to technological innovation and practical solutions, this section underscores contributions to AI-driven advancements and system designs that address real-world challenges.
Pioneering Research in AI, Law, and Ethics
- 40)Ammar Younas, “Minds, machines and myths: assessing claims about AI-controlled human interactions”, Society and Innovation. 5, 2 (Apr. 2024), 183–187.
- 39) Ammar Younas, “Examining the Legality of Trustworthy Genetically Modified Organisms for a Sustainable Symbiotic Futuristic Society” published in the proceedings of International Conference, Rights for Non-Humans: AI, Robots, Cyborgs, Animals and Nature organized by Uppsala University Sweden on 9–10 JUNE 2022, Page 12
- 38) Ammar Younas and others, “Overview of AI Ethics in Contemporary Eurasian Society”, published in the proceedings of International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists; Science and Innovation”: Collection of Scientific Papers: October 20, 2022, organized by Ministry of Innovation Development Republic of Uzbekistan, Page 6-9
- 37) Ammar Younas, “Principles on AI For Climate Action: An Endorsement of Global Climate Agenda”, published in the proceedings of International Conference “Modern Problems of Ecology and Environmental Protection and Biotechnology” jointly organized by State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection Environments, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TCTI) on June 15-16 2022. Page 294
- 36) Ammar Younas, “Techno-Legal Progression in Central Asia During Covid-19: A Case of Uzbekistan”, Published in the Collection of articles of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Foreign Economic Activity in the Post pandemic Environment: Problems and Solutions”. Organized by Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies on December 4, 2021. Page 27-29
- 35) Ammar Younas, Ответственный Искусственный Интеллект: Введение «Кочевые Принципы Искусственного Интеллекта» Для Центральной Азии, published in the Collection of Scientific Articles International scientific-practical conference «Modern Information And Communication Technologies in The Implementation Of Reforms in New Uzbekistan» 27-29 October, 2021, organized by Ministry Of Higher And Secondary Special Education Andijan Machine-Building Institute. Page 292-292 (In Russian Language)
- 34) Younas A. Legality of Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics: A Case of “Ultra-Sinoism”. Russian Law Journal. 2020;8(4):53-91.
- 33) Ammar Younas (2020), Responsible AI: An Introduction of “Nomadic AI Principles” for Central Asia, Published in the Conference Proceedings of Scientific-technical conference – Jizzakh Polytechnical Institute Uzbekistan. Pp. 345-346
- 32) Ammar Younas (2020), Taxation of E-Commerce and Digital Divide in Central Asia: Background And Proposal, Presented at Republican scientific-practical conference “Issues of further improving tax administration in the rapid development of the economy” Organized by State Taxation Committee of Uzbekistan. Pp. 292- 294
- 31) Ammar Younas (2020), “Regulations for Environmental Audit and Artificial Intelligence: A Strategic Perspective for Central Asia”. Presented at International Conference” Problems and Perspectives of Innovative Technologies in the Field of Environmental Protection” Organized by Tashkent State Technical University Uzbekistan.
- 30) Ammar Younas (2020), “Trans-Impedance Amplifier: Mixed Signal Design Research Project Synopsis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Economy: Problems, Solutions, Prospects Organized by Samarkand State Technical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology [IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696,Pp. 43-45
- 29) Ammar Younas (2020), “Transition Of “ Socialism With Chinese Characteristics” To The Era Of “UltraSinoism”, published by State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan in The scientific methodical journal “Oriental art and culture”, Pp. 298-312
- 28) Ammar Younas (2020), “A Case of South Asian Student Migrants in Kyrgyz Medical Institutes: Motivations, Policies, Issues And Challenges”, presented in International Scientific- Practical Online Conference in “Emerging Management and Public Health Research in Asia” jointly organized by Erasmus+ Sphera Project EU. Published in Conference proceedings ISBN: 978-83-956810-3-5. Pp. 94- 104
- 27) Ammar Younas (2020), “Legal Progression in Procedural Laws Related to “Intellectual Property Protection for the Autonomous Output Of Artificial Intelligence” in Post-Colonial, Post-Communist and Socialist Countries”, accepted for “Digital Economy: Impacts, Challenges and Prospects”, organized by Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent. Published in Conference proceedings ISBN: 978-9943-4969-9-6. Pp. 4-6
- 26) Younas, Ammar, Sustaining Innovative Economy in Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Whitepaper of Uzbek Centered Artificial Intelligence Policy (February 01, 2020). Presented as Key note in International Conference organized by the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Uzbekistan. Published in Conference proceedings.
- 25) Ammar Younas (2020), “Techno Legal Challenges for Innovations in Uzbekistan” Presented in Okslab Inha Conference + Networking organized at Inha University Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
- 24) Ammar Younas. (2019), “Finding an alternate to the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, Published in the proceedings of 5th International Conference of European Academy of Science, Bonn, Germany. ISB 9781071036020
- 23) Ammar Younas. (2019) ” Biological Argument in Favour of Human Rights: A Case Of Stem Cell Research”, Published in the Proceedings of the International Student Conference on Quality Management, Operations, Research and Data Mining, Quality Time 19, International Alatoo University Kyrgyzstan.
- 22) Ammar Younas. (2019) “Legal Progression in Procedural Laws related to Bankruptcy in Post-Colonial, Post-Communist and Socialist Countries: A case of Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and China,” Published in International Journal of Arts and Politics. Austria. ISBN: 978-614-475-010-2. Pp. 48-56
- 21) Ammar Younas. (2018) ” Sustainability of Artificial Intelligence: Reconciling Human Rights with Legal Rights of Robots “, Published in the Proceedings of the 4th International Student Conference on Quality Management, Operations, Research and Data Mining, Quality Time 18, International Alatoo University Kyrgyzstan. April 26. Won Second Position.
- 20) Ammar Younas. (2018) “The Influence of Economic Factors on Social Cohesion Between Syrians and Lebanese Communities”, Presented in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Issues of Oriental and African Studies”, organized by Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan. 20, April. Published in Special Edition of Journal of Osh State University Kyrgyzstan. ISSN 1694-7452, pp-76-80
- 19) Ammar Younas. (2018) “Nomadic Yurtas as an Alternate Habitat for Refugees and Post-Disaster Communities.” Presented in Scientific and Practical Conference “Heritage of Nomadic People: History, Tradition and Culture”, organized by Eastern University named after Mahmud Kashgari Barskani Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. 17, April.
- 18) Ammar Younas. (2018) “Performing Art in Politics to Performing Politics in Art: Sufism and Aesthetic Modernism in Pakistani Politics.” Published in International Journal of Arts and Politics. Austria. ISBN: 978-614-475-000-1. Pp. 97-105
- 17) Ammar Younas. (2017) “Subjects, Objects and Forms of Land Ownership In Kyrgyzstan: Challenges And Prospective.” Published in International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy 2 (8), UAE. ISSN 2412-8368, pp. 19-21
- 16) Ammar Younas. (2017) “Debating a Social Clause in WTO: A Case of South Asian Labor Migrants in Arab World.” Published in International Academy Journal “Web of Scholars”. Warsaw, Poland. ISSN 2518-167X, Pp. 40-43
- 15) Ammar Younas. (2017) “Introducing an Asian Credit System along the One Belt One Road: Regionalizing the Higher Education in Asian Union.” Presented in International Scientific and Practical Conference, “Perspectives of Higher Education in the Framework of Cooperation of the Countries along the One Belt and One Road”, Organized by Eastern University Kyrgyzstan and Northwest University China. June 29-30. Published in Bilim Jana Terbiya Kyrgyzstan. 2(23), 2017. ISSN 1694-5468. pp. 140-143
- 14) Ammar Younas. (2017) “Palliative Care for the Pensioners: A Call for Immediate Policy Initiatives in Kyrgyz Health Care System.” Published in International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Sciences. ISSN 2414-6404, Pp. 4-7
- 13) Ammar Younas. (2017) “Language as an instrument of Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy: Urdu Language in Kyrgyzstan”, presented in III International Scientific and Practical Conference” Scientific Issues of Modernity” Dubai, UAE. Published in “World Science” No.5(21), Vol.4. ISSN 2413-1032, pp. 41-43
- 12) Ammar Younas (2017), “China’s Project “One Belt-One Road” and Possibility of forming an ASIAN UNION: A Regional Policy Prospective.” Published in Bilim Jana Terbiya Kyrgyzstan. ISSN 1694-5468. pp. 68-71
- 11) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Language Acquisition as a Public Policy Problem: Glocalizing the language teaching methodologies in Kyrgyzstan”, presented in International Conference “The place, role and prospects of International Universities in the context of Globalization” organized by International Ataturk Alatoo University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Published in “Alatoo Academic Series” ISSN 1694-5263, pp. 173-176
- 10) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Migration of Shame: A Case of South Asian Medical Graduates”, in the proceedings of International conference Life in Kyrgyzstan Conference 2016 “Promoting Research and Evidence Based Policy Making in Central Asia” organized by University of Central Asia, IGZ, International Food Policy Research Institute, FAO UN, Stockholm International Peace Research and International Security and Development Center. October 6-7
- 9) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Social Sacrifice Theory instead of Social Contract Theory”, in the proceedings of International conference entitled “Freedom of Religion or Belief in Situations of Crisis: Why Can’t We Get Along?” in the proceeding of The University of Tartu Faculty of Law Estonia in cooperation with the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, Brigham Young University USA. June 16-18
- 8) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Mafia Model of Analysis for Understanding of International Conflicts”, in the proceedings of Eurasian Conference on Business and Economics IV (ECBC 2016), International Ataturk Alatoo University Kyrgyzstan. May 18-20, ISBN 978-9967-28-048-9, pp. 33
- 7) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Educational Migration of South Asian Students in Kyrgyzstan” , in the proceedings of International Student Conference, Role and Place of Migration in International Relations: History and Modernity” , Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. May 12. Won the Diploma of First Place
- 6) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Replacing the Old with New: Proposing a Social Sacrifice Theory”, presented in “8th International Conference, Building Cultural Bridges: Integrating Languages, Linguistics, Literature, Translation and Journalism into Education”, International Ataturk Alatoo University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. April 28-29. Published in “Alatoo Academic Series” Number 4-2016, ISSN 1694-5263, pp. 311-317
- 5) Ammar Younas. (2016) “Critics on the philosophical approaches used by Hobbes and Locke for proposing a Social Contract Theory”, in the proceedings of International Student and Scientific Conference “Heritage of Mahmud Kashgar-Barsakani: The Basis of Moral Values”, Eastern University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. March 23. Published in Proceedings, ISBN: 9967-404-48-16, pp. 45-49
- 4) Ammar Younas. (2013) “Case of Shared Vocabulary of Turkish and Urdu Languages”, in the proceedings of KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC 2013) “Central Asia in the Global Community: Challenges and Opportunities”, KIMEP University Almaty, Kazakhstan. April 4-6, ISBN 9965-9047-5-8, pp. 493–495
- 3) Ammar Younas. (2011) “Reforms in Legal System for Preventing Discrimination against AIDS Patients”, in the proceedings of ISN-TUNDUK conference on Strategy development for realizing the UNAIDS Goals of “Getting to Zero”. Kyrgyz National Hospital. Kyrgyzstan. December 15
- 2) Ammar Younas. (2011) “The effect of Terror on the Psychological Health of Students in ISM”, in the proceedings of Student Scientific Conference organized by International University of Kyrgyzstan, International Higher School of Medicine Kyrgyzstan. May 13. Won the Certificate of 3rd Place
- 1) Ammar Younas. (2009) “The Role of Buffer Solutions”, in the proceedings of The First Students Scientific Conference organized by International University of Kyrgyzstan, International High School of Medicine Kyrgyzstan. December 19
Joint Publications
Building Knowledge Through Global Partnerships
38) Mone, V., Abdulajonovich, S. M., Younas, A., & Petikam, S. (2024). Data Warfare and Creating a Global Legal and Regulatory Landscape: Challenges and Solutions. International Journal of Legal Information, 1-11. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/jli.2024.22
37) Younas, A., Zeng, Y. (2024). Philosophical Inquiry into AI-Inclusive Epistemology. Presented at the 2024 IEEE Belt and Road Congress on AI for Sustainable Development, organized by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) and IEEE China Council. Link
36) Younas, A., Zeng, Y. (2024). Proposing Central Asian AI Ethics Principles: A Multilevel Approach for Responsible AI. AI and Ethics, Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/s43681-024-00505-7
35) Sowmiya, L., Rajasekaran, A. S., Suresh, A., Younas, A., Vimalnath, S., & Nagesw, S. (2023). Blockchain-Enhanced Privacy Preserving Security Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks. 2023 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC), pp. 1–6. IEEE Xplore. doi:10.1109/ICAECC59324.2023.10560334
34) Srinivas, C. M. V., Hajiyeva, R., Arunarani, A. R., Naitik, S. T., Al Ansari, M. S., & Younas, A. (2023). Improved Red Deer Algorithm for Scientific Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment. 2023 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), pp. 662–67. IEEE Xplore. doi:10.1109/ICIRCA57980.2023.10220642
33) Balakrishna, G., Kumar, A., Tamilselvan, V., Younas, A., Kumar, N. M. G., & Rastogi, R. (2023). A Novel Ensembling of CNN-A-LSTM for IoT Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Based on Intrusion Detection System. 2023 International Conference on Self-Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems (ICSSAS), pp. 1312–17. IEEE Xplore. doi:10.1109/ICSSAS57918.2023.10331735
32) Pervaiz, F., Khan, M. R., Hussain, A., Batool, A., Shabbir, A., Younas, A., & Jumagulov, A. (2023). Pakistan’s Public Health Sector Doctors, Nurses, and Other Medical Staff’s Performance and Turnover Intentions. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 30(18), 1609-1618.
31) Ahmed, S., & Younas, A. (2023). Assessment of Hepatitis-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Quality of Life with the Moderating Role of Internalized Stigma among Hepatitis B-Positive Patients in Pakistan. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11(1). doi:10.1080/21642850.2023.2192782
30) Jobirov, S. F., & Younas, A. (2022). The New Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Investments and Investment Activities” as a Door to New Investment Opportunities. European Journal of Innovation in Nonformal Education (EJINE), 2(2), 155-161.
29) Bozarov, S., & Younas, A. (2022). Evolutionary Model of Free Economic Zones in the Republic of Uzbekistan. World Bulletin of Management and Law (WBML), 6, 42-52.
28) Younas, A., & Others. (2022). Contemporary Issues in Space Tech Law: Battle Between Satellites and Telescopes. Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, Educational, Natural and Social Sciences, 1(11), 654-663.
27) Younas, A., Kalandarov, A., & Turdialiyev, M. A. (2022). Legal Progress of E-Commerce Legislation in Central Asia During COVID-19. Society and Innovation, 2(6), 170-176. doi:10.47689/2181-1415-vol2-iss6-pp170-176
26) Younas, A., & Others. (2021). Proposing “Uzbek Govtech Index” for Unlocking the Digital Potential of Public Institutions in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists: Science and Innovation, organized by the Ministry of Innovation Development Republic of Uzbekistan, pp. 6-7. ISBN: 978-9943-7687-7-2.
25) Younas, A., & Others. (2021). Central Asia Tech Law: A Proposed Taxonomy of an Emerging Field. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Branch and in Honor of Academician V.B. Kudryavtsev “Intellectual Technologies in Education”, pp. 798-802. ISBN: 978-9943-4812-0-6.
24) Younas, A., & Abdulajonovich, S. M. (2021). Tech Law in Central Asia: Approach to Technological Progress of the 4th Industrial Revolution. YURISPRUDENSIYA, 6, 12-16.
23) Sobirovna, R. T., Younas, A., & Fatima, K. (2021). Environmental Audit as an Environmental Regulatory Strategy for Uzbekistan: Issues and Development Prospects. Journal of Law Research, 6(11), 42-54. (In Russian Language)
22) Younas, A., & Akhtamovna, A. Y. (2021). Does the GDPR Achieve Its Goal of “Protection of Youth?” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 4(8), 1181-1186.
21) Younas, A., & Turdialiev, M. A. P. O. (2021). Special Features of International Financial Centres and Its Establishment in Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(8), 17-21. doi:10.37547/tajpslc/volume03issue08-04
20) Younas, A., & Akramov, A. (2021). The Essence, Significance, and Legal System of the Legal Aspects of the Contract of Trust Management of Property. International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 1(6), 170-175.
19) Younas, A., & Akhtamovna, A. Y. (2021). Should the UK Adopt Into Its Domestic Law a Broad ‘Fair Use’ Defence Instead of the Current ‘Fair Dealing’ Approach? International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 1(6), 221-227.
18) Younas, A., & Mirzaraimov, B. T. O. (2021). To What Extent Are Consumers Harmed in the Digital Market from the Perspective of the GDPR? International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 4(8). doi:10.47191/ijmra/v4-i8-17
17) Younas, A., & Fatima, K. (2021). Regulating Nanotechnology Transfer in Digitalized Central Asia. International Scientific-Practical Conference on Development Issues of Innovative Economy in the Agricultural Sector, organized by Samarkand branch of Tashkent State University of Economics and Tashkent State Agrarian University Uzbekistan in collaboration with Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany, pp. 179-181.
16) Paul, M., Younas, A., & Kabir, S. (2020). Contextualizing Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Detailed Approach to Dispute Resolution in Infrastructure Projects. Society and Innovations, 1(2), 104-116. Link
15) Younas, R., & Younas, A. (2020). Structural Analysis of Enhanced Performance Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs). International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, 8(9), 80–83.
- 14) Younas, A., & Tegizbekova, Z. C. (2020). Harmonizing Law and Innovations in Nanomedicine, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Biomedical Robotics: A Central Asian Perspective. VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Introduction of Innovative Technologies in Medicine and Pharmacy”, organized by State Humanitarian and Technological University (GSTU) Moscow Region, Russian Federation, Izvestia GGTU Medicine-Pharmacy, 4, 17-19
- 13) Kalandrova, J., & Younas, A. (2020). О Трудности Перевода Поэтического Текста В Разноструктурных Языках: На Материале Поэзии А. Осмонова. Proceedings of International Conference “Global and National Values Along Great Silk Road: Language, Education and Culture”, organized by Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages and Samarkand Institute of Confucius, pp. 388-392. ISBN: 978-9943-5193-5-0.
- 12) Younas, A., & Babadjanova, R. (2020). Beijing Consensus of Artificial Intelligence for Children: An Effort to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency. Proceedings of the 4th Republican Scientific-Practical Conference, organized by The Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Uzbekistan.
- 11) Younas, A., Younas, W., Mumtaz, M., & Mumtaz, M. (2020). Finding a Consensus Between Philosophy of Applied and Social Sciences: A Case of Biology of Human Rights. JournalNX: A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2581-4230, 62-75.
- 10) Khan, I., & Younas, A. (2020). Assessment of the Iranian Nuclear Deal and Exclusivity of Hassan Rouhani’s Leadership. Electronic Scientific and Practical Periodic International Edition “Economics and Society”, 5(72), ISSN 2225-1545.
9) Younas, A., & Younas, W. (2020). Reducing the Legal Toxicity for Sustainable Nanomedicines. Symposium on Nanomedicine: Current Scenario and Future Perspectives, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
8) Orozakunovich, I. A., Younas, A., Mukashovna, N. B., & Kyzy, A. K. (2018). Bologna Process Vs Silk Road Credit Hour System: Regionalizing the Higher Education. Humanitarian Treatise, Kemerovo, Russia, ISSN 2500-1159, 51-53.
7) Orozakunovich, I. A., & Younas, A. (2018). A Tale of Two Bloodsheds: Comparison of French Revolution with Kyrgyzstan’s “Tulip Revolution.” International Academy Journal “Web of Scholars”, Warsaw, Poland, ISSN 2518-167X, 62-63.
6) Younas, A., & Kyzy, A. K. (2018). Linguistic Typology of Turkish and Urdu Languages: An Ethnographic Approach. Bilim Jana Terbiya Kyrgyzstan, ISSN 1694-5468.
5) Younas, A., & Younas, R. (2018). Sustainability of Artificial Intelligence: Reconciling Human Rights with Legal Rights of Robots. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference Quality Time 18, organized by International Alatoo University Kyrgyzstan.
4) Younas, A. (Joint Publication with the Class of Arab Masters in Democracy and Human Rights). (2018). Selected Regional Developments in Human Rights and Democratisation During 2016: Rights Amid Turmoil in the Arab Region. Global Campus Human Rights Journal, European Union Commission, ISSN 2532-1455, 479-496.
3) Younas, A. (Joint Publication with Director of Science Po Lebanon). (2017). Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Resilience Amidst Security Measures and Safety Concerns. Institute of Political Science Lebanon, pp. 11-19.
2) Younas, R., & Younas, A. (2017). Reducing Youth Radicalism: Stemming Policy Approach Through Engineering Education. III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Methodology of Science and Education”, Dubai, UAE, World Science, 6(22), Vol. 4, ISSN 2413-1032, 52-54.
1) Younas, A., & Nurbekova, M. (2016). The Search of Social Justice is a Wasted Effort. Proceedings of International Student and Scientific Conference “Heritage of Mahmud Kashgar-Barsakani: The Basis of Moral Values”, Eastern University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, ISBN: 9967-404-48-16, 59-62.
Shaping Public Discourse on Technology and Society
41. Ammar Younas, “China takes aim at actual AI risks, not potential ones”, June 8, 2023,
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40. Ammar Younas, “Socio-Psycho-Legal Aspects of Sexual Harassment: A Case Of Student/Faculty Relationship In Uzbekistan”, Uzbekistan Law Blog, January 6, 2022,
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39. Ammar Younas, Redefining family: Introducing the case for humanoid robotics in family law jurisprudence in Central Asia, December 12, 2021,
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38. Ammar Younas, “Handling Personal Data in “New Uzbekistan” of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev?”, Uzbekistan Law Blog, 15.11.2021,
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37. Ammar Younas, Chinese Panorama: Cracking the code of Belt and Road Initiative through Chinese art, history and philosophy, Sep 22, 2020,
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36. Ammar Younas, Artificial Intelligence for children: Beijing principles released, Sep 15, 2020,
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35. Ammar Younas, Future of civil bureaucratic public administration and military law administration in Pakistan in the era of e-government, Sep 8, 2020,
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34. Ammar Younas, The rise of 5G in Central Asia: Latest news and updates about the next generation network, Foreign Policy News, Aug 27, 2020,
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33. Ammar Younas, Why Uzbekistan needs an AI Policy?, Foreign Policy News, Feb 03, 2020,
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32. Ammar Younas, Digitalization: a new look into the future, People’s Voice, Dec 19, 2019,
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31. Ammar Younas, Uzbekistan may become a Regional Leader in Technology Law, Dec 10, 2019,
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30. Ammar Younas, Incorporating modernization and digitalization in new civil code of Uzbekistan, Foreign Policy News, Nov 7, 2019,
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29. Ammar Younas, Legal liability for innovations in nanomedicines and medical robotics, Foreign Policy News, Sep 10, 2019,
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28. Ammar Younas, How successful has “socialism with Chinese characteristics” been in China?, Foreign Policy News, Aug 3, 2019,
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27. Ammar Younas, China’s strategy of achieving “Harmonious Socialist Society” through volunteer services, Foreign Policy News, May 7, 2019,
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26. Ammar Younas, Prospective role of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and other regional organisations in India-Pakistan Crises, Foreign Policy News, March 13, 2019,
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25. Ammar Younas, When other regional organizations are playing their role in India-Pakistan crises, why is SCO silent?, The Politicion, March 11, 2019,
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24. Ammar Younas, Football and Game of Thrones between Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia, Foreign Policy News, Feb 04, 2019,
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23. Ammar Younas, Standardizing the higher education in Shanghai Cooperation Organization region: Introducing a “SCO Credit Hour System”, Foreign Policy News, Jan 27, 2019,
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22. Ammar Younas, Era of Socialism has passed, and the world is waiting for Ultra-Sinoism, The Politicion, Oct 28, 2018,
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21. Ammar Younas, Is Francis Fukuyama obsessed with China?, The Politicon, Oct 23, 2018,
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20. Ammar Younas, Future of socialism and China’s future foreign investment strategy, Foreign Policy News, Oct 22, 2018,
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19. Ammar Younas, Is Saudi Arabia serious about weaponization of oil?, Foreign Policy News, Oct 17, 2018,
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18. Ammar Younas, Saudi-Qatari Rivalry and Arabic Honor: Will the U.S. sanction Saudi Arabia if Khashoggi found dead?, The Politicon, Oct 17, 2018,
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17. Ammar Younas, U.S.-China Trade War: Is U.S. trying to bully Pakistan?, The Politicon, Oct 13, 2018,
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16. Ammar Younas, Cracking the code of Belt and Road Initiative through Chinese art, history and philosophy, The Politicon, Oct 06, 2018,
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15. Ammar Younas, Regional dynamics and strategic concerns of Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, Foreign Policy News, Sep 30, 2018,
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14. Ammar Younas, Standardization of legal education by China along the “Belt and Road” countries and opportunities for Pakistan, Foreign Policy News, Sep 21, 2018,
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13. Ammar Younas, The Bajwa Doctrine and fencing the Pak-Afghan border: Who should be doing more?, Foreign Policy News, April 01, 2018,
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12. Ammar Younas, Arab Spring vs Iranian Spring: Why protests are important for a state?, Foreign Policy News, January 02, 2018,
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11. Ammar Younas, The Diplomatic Insight, December 2017, “Education Diplomacy alongside the Belt and Road”, pp.21-22,
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10. Ammar Younas, Power of soft power: Battle between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Foreign Policy News, December 19, 2017,
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9. Ammar Younas, Palestine-Israel Conflict: Where does Central Asia stand?, Foreign Policy News, December 12, 2017,
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8. Ammar Younas, ISIS Defeat and Challenges for Central Asia – What Should we expect?, Eurasia Diary, International Analytical Information Gateway, November 28, 2017,
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7. Ammar Younas, Central Asia is as vulnerable as Middle East for Saudi-Iranian proxy war, Eurasia Diary, International Analytical Information Gateway, November 14, 2017,
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6. Ammar Younas, Position of Pakistan in Saudi-Iran conflict: No more a diplomatic conundrum, no more neutrality, Foreign Policy News, November 13, 2017,
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5. Ammar Younas, Kyrgyz honor, social cohesion and nomadic governance, Eurasia Diary, International Analytical Information Gateway, November 12, 2017,
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4. Ammar Younas (2017), “Chinese One Belt –One Road Initiative and Asian Union” published in Special Report of Center of Pakistan and International Relations “The Iron Brothers”, pp.20-21,
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3. Ammar Younas (2017), “Chinese One Belt –One Road Initiative and Asian Union” published in Melange Magazine International “Palestine-Pakistan All Weather Friends” February 2017 Edition, pp. 24-26,
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2. Ammar Younas, Feminism in Islam, Umma Islamic Magazine, December 7, 2015,
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1. Ammar Younas, Philosophy of the Islamic concept of human rights, Umma Islamic Magazine, October 13, 2017,
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Authored Works on Key Topics in AI and Law
📚 Ammar Younas. Jalwagah e Shahood e Rah (in Urdu). Bishkek, 2012. Print.
📚 Ammar Younas. Jalwagah e Shahood e Rah (in Urdu). 2nd Edition. Ebook. ISBN: 978-1-365-33595.
📚 Ammar Younas. In the City of Uniqueness and Bravery (In English). 80 pages. ISBN: 9781365359118.
📚 Ammar Younas. Как Дневные Мечты (In Russian). In Printing Press.
📚 Ammar Younas. Examining the Social Contract Theory: A Case of Refugee Crisis. LAP LAMBERT Publishing Mauritius, 2018. ISBN: 978-3-659-67655-0.
📚 Ammar Younas. Human Rights and Wrongs: Biological Skepticism towards Human Rights. Scholars’ Press Germany, 2018. ISBN: 978-620-2-31927-0.
📚 Ammar Younas. Civil Love and Spiritual Liabilities. English Poetry Book. ISBN: 978-9943-7917-4-9.
📚 Ammar Younas. E-Commerce Laws. Tashkent State University of Law Press, 2024. UDC: 34(075.8)(575.1).
Driving Innovation in Technology and Solutions
📜 3. Ammar Younas, “AI Powered Legal Duplicity Detection Software”, 12 Dec 2022,
Patent No. Uzbekistan: 28107463964303890054
📜 2. Ammar Younas, “Nomadic Yurts (Kyrgyz Yurts) as an Alternate Habitat for Refugees and Post-Disaster Communities”, 3 May 2018,
Patent No. Kyrgyzstan: 3324
📜 1. Ammar Younas, “Kyrgyz Brand Optimization for the Marketing of Agricultural Products”, June 2018,
Patent No. Kyrgyzstan: 3355